
May 2, 20211 min

Why Global Markets are Critical to El Paso

Since my days workings at the City of El Paso's Foreign Trade Zone office, I learned that global markets are a critical part of growing a local economy. That helping this region grow had more to do with how connected we are with other metros that provide a product and or service but that also are linked due to research, connectivity, investment and trade opportunities. During those years, I pushed for El Paso to link with other global economies that shared some economic and research linkages such as Mexico and Spain. Soon the city was open to supporting trade missions that opened doors with universities, governments and business in those global markets. El Paso has many opportunities to develop global markets because we still have linkages that connect us to other global markets in many countries.

In a recent article that I found in the Brookings Institute my belief in this theory was reverberated. "Six Steps for Metro Areas to Prioritize Global Markets" provides a tactical approach to how El Paso can help itself in growing at a faster rate its economy while embracing more international relations and market prioritization to help lead its growth. I invite colleagues in El Paso to learn how this Global Cities Initiative to start a new initiative that EPTMC can lead to bring more opportunities to this region.
